Air Rey Presents
Un Aire De Esperanza
This summer we're giving away a central A/C unit to a family in need.

We're here to help our community
Un Aire De Esperanza is one of our most important pillars and the summer activity that we most look forward to. Having the opportunity to help makes us stronger and makes our work of bringing the best environment to the homes of those who choose us more valuable. This 2022 we return with this contest in which, with the support of Carrier, we give away an Air Conditioning unit to a family and our main objective is to get many people to know about this initiative so that each year there are more families that we can help. Participating is very easy, if you know someone who does not have the conditions to access an Air Conditioning in the summer, you just have to tell us their story, registering them for the contest. You can also enroll your family if you feel like you need the help.
Un Aire De Esperanza
Brought to you by Air Rey & Carrier
How to participate
Air Rey and Carrier team up again in 2022 to gift and install a brand new air conditioning system in Dallas and Houston to a family in need of an air of hope
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To participate you must like the page on Facebook according to the city in which you are participating, be it Dallas or Houston
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